July 21, 2013

Suppressing the Truth

In previous posts we discussed the three main explanations for the origin of the universe: 1) Creation by Creator, 2) Creation by Chaos, and 3) Creation by Chance. In these posts I explained why creation by chaos and creation by chance are such foolish theories. But the question begs to be answered: If creation by chaos and creation by chance are so ridiculous, why do so many scientists, professors and public school educators teach these theories? 

It’s clear to me that many educators and scientists alike have intentionally chosen to believe and teach these foolish theories that defy common sense and logic, simply because they don’t like the alternative. They’d rather affirm an explanation that makes no sense than attribute the creation of the universe to the God of the Bible. Why?

Well, Romans chapter one explains it this way: In Romans 1 the apostle Paul tells us that even though knowledge of God is obvious through creation (through what has been made), godless and wicked people intentionally suppress the truth (about God) because they prefer wickedness to truth. Simply put, many people aren’t interested in truth, because truth gets in the way of their sin, which they don’t want to give up. Not wanting to hear the truth, learn about the truth, or accept the truth (which demands they change), these people accept and teach any old theory so long as it doesn’t condemn their sinful lifestyle, even if the theory is improbable or seemingly impossible. And it doesn’t seem to matter how foolish the theory is - so long as it doesn’t involve God. For people looking for ways to avoid the truth - a crazy theory without God is better than a credible one with God. 

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