July 21, 2013

Creation by Chaos

There are three basic options for explaining the origins of the universe: 1) Creation by Creator, 2) Creation by Chaos, and 3) Creation by Chance. In this post we'll look at option #2: Creation by Chaos.

This theory says chaos is responsible for the order in the universe that we see today. One of the featured articles in the 2013 July issue of National Geographic magazine is entitled “It All Began With Chaos”. And this is what public school teaches our kids - that all the right particles and elements needed for life to begin were just floating around and one day “bamb!”, they collided in a cosmic storm and “whallah!”, life as we know it began. But let’s consider this teaching: that order comes from chaos. Let’s consider whether this is something we really believe. 

What if you came over my house and saw a beautiful in-ground pool in my backyard and when you asked me about it, I told you that the June 1st tornado of 2011 died down right over my backyard and that when all the building materials that were spinning in the tornado dropped to the ground, they just formed this beautiful pool. Would you believe me? Of course not! But what if I tried to reason with you that in Springfield the tornado hit the buildings and that’s where the bricks came from...as it crossed the Connecticut river it picked up the water, trees and shrubs...and that as it passed Rocky’s Hardware on the way to my house it picked up the fencing that’s now around the pool? Would that explanation stand to reason? No! Why? Because we all know that order doesn’t come from chaos. Order comes from an organizer.

So personally, I reject the popular theory “creation by chaos”. I think the much better option is "creation by Creator". 

1 comment:

  1. I have a tough question from my son. He is now a self proclaimed atheist....if creation has a creator mom, then who created the creator? Did He appear out of some primordial ooze? His other tough question is...Hitler was a devout christian and if before he died he said the salvation prayer and he goes to heaven after all of the atrocities he has committed and yet I and others who live a very good and moral upright life for our entire lives don't get to go to heaven because we didn't ever say the salvation prayer then how would that motivate me to want to worship a God that would let Hitler into heaven but not me, when I have done more to help people and am a good soul? "Mom" he said, "your religious beliefs are flawed"
