July 21, 2013

Creation by Chance

There are three basic options for explaining the origins of the universe: 1) Creation by Creator, 2) Creation by Chaos, and 3) Creation by Chance. In this post we'll look at option #3: Creation by Chance.

When people say that the universe was created by “chance”, they are saying that “chance” is a being that has the power to create, which isn’t true. On the contrary, chance simply refers to the mathematical odds that something will or will not happen. For example...

When a coin is tossed, we say it landed heads or tails “by chance”, but matter of factly it landed heads or tails as a result of a variety of factors (i.e. what side did it start on, how hard was the coin flicked into the air, was there wind, what kind of surface did it land on, at what angle did it land, etc.). When it lands one way or the other, it didn’t happen by chance, it happened as the result of a variety of different factors.

The word “chance” is simply another word for “odds”. And when we talk about chance we’re simply talking about the odds of something happening. When we toss a coin the chances (or odds) of it landing heads is fifty-fifty. The same is true for tails. But whether heads or tails, nothing happened by chance.

Chance can’t cause things to happen because chance has no being. Again - chance is not a thing that operates and works upon other things. Chance is just a mental concept that refers to mathematical possibilities. It has no being. And because it has no being, it has no power and therefore can’t cause things to happen. So when people state that the universe was created by chance, they are really saying the universe was created by nothing. And as a matter of prudence we ought to stop saying that nothing causes something, because it’s a nonsense statement.

So for me personally, not only do I reject the “creation by chaos” theory, I also reject the “creation by chance” theory as well. Why? Because I after studying the evidence, I think it takes for faith to believe in creation by chaos or creation by chance, than creation by creator.

1 comment:

  1. Great start to the series Mike. I love inviting my more "cerebral" friends to church for the next few weeks. God bless you!
