March 30, 2011

The Purpose of Rules

I just finished meeting with my growth group and our discussion reinforced something I've seen in Scripture over and over again. God's rules are for our good. His rules are more about protecting us than limiting us. For example, when someone puts up a fence in the backyard for their dog, it shows they care enough about the dog to keep it safe. The dog might not like the restraints in the same way a driver might not like their seat belt, but consider the alternative. When we realize that rules point us away from danger and show us the route to safety, we'll be much more inclined to follow them. May God give each of us the grace to see that the rules are for our good. 

March 23, 2011

The Kind of Church We Want to Become

I'm in line along with about fifty other people in front of the Apple Store in Holyoke waiting to purchase the iPad 2. Many of us have been here since 6am or earlier even though the store doesn't open till 9am. It's pretty amazing when you have something that people want so badly they are willing to wait for hours sitting on the dirty mall floor to get it. 

Similarly, I know of a church where people wait forty-five minutes just to get out of the parking lot when service lets out because there's thousands trying to leave! And they keep coming back week after week. Why? That church has something people want so badly they are willing to put up with major inconveniences to get it. 

Our goal at New Day is to become the kind of place where people will go to great lengths to be a part - where they gladly participate in growth groups, attend on Sunday, give, serve and invite their friends. 

March 3, 2011

Dream Big

God help me to dream bigger! I thought I was really demonstrating faith by believing God for 500 people by the end of the year. Well today one of my staff told me they were praying for 1,000 people by June!!! God help ME to believe like THAT! While our goals should be out of reach but not out of reality, I still believe we dream too small for serving such a big God. Sometimes we just need to add a zero to whatever we're believing God for. Adding a zero will remind us that we serve a big God, that we must depend on God to see our goals come to pass and that God is the God of the impossible. I'm challenged today to dream BIG!