December 10, 2012

Jesus' Miracles

Jesus' miracles added an exclamation point to his teaching. 

Jesus said "I am the bread of life" and miraculously fed the five thousand to illustrate his claim to satisfy the hunger of the human heart. Jesus said "I am the light of the world" and he opened the eyes of a man born blind. If he could restore sight to the blind, he could open men's eyes to see and to know God. Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life" and he brought back to life a man called Lazarus who had been dead four days. 

Through these miracles Jesus was trying to show us that though we are spiritually hungry, blind and dead, He can satisfy our hunger, restore our sight and one day raise us to new life. 

November 27, 2012

Owning a Bible vs Reading Your Bible

Owning gym equipment won't get you in shape physically, and owning a Bible won't get you in shape spiritually. 

I've been subscribing to Runner's World for about a year now, but to be honest, I don't read it! And I've learned from experience that owning a copy of Runner's World doesn't make you any more of a runner than owning a Bible makes you a more Christ-like person. 

You have to read God's word, you have to reflect on God's Word and you have to respond to God's Word, for it to make any difference in your life. 

As we close 2012 you may be interested in picking up a Bible reading plan to help you stay faithful in reading God's Word. Here's a couple options for: 

1. New Day's One Year Bible Reading Plan 
2. Youversion Reading Plans 

November 26, 2012

Psalm 141:4

David prays in Psalm 141:4, "Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil so that I take part in wicked deeds..." This is similar to The Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6 where Jesus instructs us to pray "And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one" (v.13). 

Our hearts are inclined toward evil because we were born with a sinful nature. Galatians 5:17 says "The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other..." We have received our current bodies from Adam (that is, we have all descended from Adam) and since Adam sinned we were born with a sin nature. However, we will receive our new bodies from Christ and since Christ never sinned we will not have a sin nature in heaven. But on this side of eternity our hearts, like David's heart, will be inclined towards sin. 

So are we left defenseless against these rebellious hearts we have? No! We have the superweapon of prayer. 2 Corinthians 10:4 says "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds." A superweapon can turn around the outcome of a war very quickly. And that's exactly what prayer can do. 

Since temptations abound, so must our prayers! Here's a suggested prayer you could pray based off Psalm 141:4, Matthew 6:13, Galatians 5:17 and 2 Corinthians 10:4. 

Heavenly Father, my heart is inclined towards evil more than I like to admit. Please change my heart. I don't want to be guilty of practicing wickedness. Help me to do everything I can to avoid temptation, but when we do cross paths, help me to come out the winner and not the loser. I hate the conflicting desires within me! One part wants to do good but at the same time another part wants to do evil. Help me resist the part that wants to do wrong and give in to the part that wants to do right. I'm not trusting in my own strength to live right, I'm trusting in the power You provide when I pray. Amen. 

November 23, 2012

Agents of Salvation

I was reading today in Psalm 132:9, "Your priests will be agents of salvation..." That got me thinking about what an agent does. As I thought about it I realized an agent 1) works for someone and 2) offers certain services. For example...

An insurance agent works for an insurance company selling and servicing policies. A real estate agent works for the real estate company assisting a buyer or seller in a real estate transaction. A sports agent works for an agency and helps athletes with contract negotations, finances and public relations issues. 

This begs the question: "Well, what does an agent of salvation do?" Here's my own definition: An agent of salvation works for a non-profit called The Kingdom of God and assists mankind in making his peace with God through the forgiveness of sins Jesus alone can offer. 

Said another way: As Christians, we work for God and the service we provide is helping others make peace with God through Jesus. We use our lives, our influence, our talents and our resources to point others to Jesus. That is, we are agents of salvation! I know Psalm 132:9 says that priests are agents of salvation but 1 Peter 2:9 teaches that every believer is a priest of God! 

If you're a Christian, you know who you work for...

If you're a Christian, you know what services you're supposed to be offering others...

If you haven't been the best agent of salvation as of late, put that behind you. You can't change the past, but you can decide that today you're going to get back on track. Why not say a prayer right now that God would help you to use your life TODAY to point someone to Jesus? Eager to get started? Why not send a friend or family member one of our e-vites (just click here)? 

November 16, 2012

Rejoicing in God's Creation

For Lincoln's birthday I got a Pacman Frog...Don't be confused in thinking I bought a Pacman Frog for Lincoln. On the contrary, it was my mother who bought the frog, but I have fallen in love with this little creature! With a face like this, who wouldn't? 

I absolutely delight in God's creation! When I watch Planet Earth or Human Planet (minus all the evolution nonsense) I am simply fascinated at the creativity and wisdom of God. 

Isaiah 65:18 says of the New Heavens and New Earth " glad and rejoice forever in what I will create..." Even though this specifically applies to God's future creation, I think there's a principle here we can apply to His present one. God wants us to delight and take pleasure in and be fascinated with the work of his hands - his creation. 

Charles Spurgeon once wrote: 

I must confess that I think it a most right and excellent thing that you and I should rejoice in the natural creation of God.

I do not think that any man is altogether beyond hope who can take delight in the nightly heavens as he watches the stars, and feel joy as he treads the meadows all bedecked with kingcups and daisies. He is not lost to better things who, on the waves, rejoices in the creeping things innumerable drawn up from the vast deep, or who, in the woods, is charmed with the sweet carols of the feathered minstrels.

One of the purest and most innocent of joys, apart from spiritual things, in which a man can indulge, is a joy in the works of God. . . . I like to see my Savior on the hills, and by the shores of the sea. I hear my Father’s voice in the thunder, and listen to the whispers of his love in the cadence of the sunlit waves. These are my Father’s works, and therefore I admire them, and I seem all the nearer to him when I am among them.

When I read that I thought to myself "I can relate!" He goes on to say: 

If I were a great artist, I should think it a very small compliment if my son came into my house, and said he would not notice the pictures I had painted, because he only wanted to think of me. He therein would condemn my paintings, for if they were good for anything, he would be rejoiced to see my hand in them. Oh, but surely, everything that comes from the hand of such a Master-artist as God has something in it of himself!

What's Spurgeon trying to communicate here? I think he's saying: In the same way we can see the hand of an artist in his painting, so we can see the hand of God in his creation! 

Why not slow down just a bit today to admire God's creation...the majesty of a tree...the wonder of a bird flying...the beauty of a lake. Then praise God for his creation, for in it we see just a glimpse of His majesty, His wonder and His beauty. 

Alright - enough typing. Heading outside now with the kids to play with our bunny! 

Unlike our Guinea Pigs, he doesn't have anyone to play with!

November 14, 2012

The Evidence of our Faith

A few weeks ago Andrew and I attended Minister's Retreat in Cape Cod, and one of guest speakers, Mark Batterson (founder and lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington DC), shared the story of how he was trusting God to provide a drummer when his church first started, some sixteen years ago now. After praying about God providing a drummer, Mark sensed God pointing out to him that the church didn't even own a drum set. Mark reasoned "God, I'll buy a drum set as soon as You provide a drummer." But Mark felt God challenging him, "Mark, you buy a drum set and I'll provide a drummer." Long story short, Mark stepped out in faith and bought a drum set without any ideas regarding who might play them. The first Sunday they had the set, a drummer showed up and inquired about playing the drums. Turns out, he was in a military band and had played for the President of the United States. Mark joked that any drummer that has played for the President automatically qualifies to play for his church!

Shortly after the retreat where Mark spoke, I was told that of all the people that signed up during our recent ministry fair, no one signed up to serve in our audio/visual/lighting department. After hearing Mark's story, my first thought was "Of course no one signed up. We don't even have a chair for them to sit in!" So during staff meeting last week I told my team that if we were believing God to provide people to join our audio/visual/lighting department, we needed to show our faith by purchasing a chair, much like Mark showed his faith by purchasing drums. So Andrew bought an extra stool to put behind the computer table (for the new person we were believing God for). The chair was assembled and put out during set up, even though we had no one to sit in it yet.

No joke - This past Sunday someone walked up to me and said "I have a degree in sound and lighting and would like to start volunteering." I was absolutely blown away! And just today during a meeting I had someone else share with me that her husband is very good with computers and was looking for somewhere in the church to get involved!

What's my point in sharing all this? God responds to faith! Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is being sure of what we hope and certain of what we do not see." If we are believing God for something, there needs to be evidence of our faith. When my wife was believing God to provide a way to go to Valley Forge Christian College, even though this appeared to be a financial impossibility, she went out and bought towels (a small token of her faith that God would provide a way). God did provide a way, and within weeks she was enrolled and living on campus!

Is there anything in your life you are currently trusting God for? Is God witnessing any evidence of your faith? And if not, what does faith look like in your situation? How can you step out and show your faith in God? I believe with all my heart that if you're believing for something that honors God, and you'll step out in faith, you'll see the miraculous provision of God in your life!

November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day

Today I volunteered for my dad's non-profit "Grateful Citizens For the Appreciation of Veterans". We provided free food and drinks as a small token of our appreciation for those who have served our  country. 22 News and CBS 3 Springfield ended up covering the story and me and Lincoln ended up on TV. I'm so proud of my son!

CBS 3 Springfield - WSHM

November 9, 2012

Where did this take place?

This morning I was reading the story of Samson in Judges 13-16. Mentioned in these chapters were the names of many towns I was unfamiliar with. I found myself asking "Where did this take place?" I couldn't of told you where Eshtaol, Zorah, Ashkelon, Gaza or Hebron were located. Knowing how helpful it is to understand where the events I'm reading about took place, I pulled out my Holman Bible Atlas by Thomas V. Brisco and skimmed over the chapters again, this time locating in my Bible Atlas where each town was located. This brought a deeper understanding and a richer Bible reading experience.

A Bible Atlas will help you better understand where the events you are reading about took place. Some Study Bibles already have maps in the back, but if yours doesn't you may want to purchase a Bible Atlas for your personal Bible study. In addition to the Holman Bible Atlas I would also recommend the Zondervan Atlas of the Bible by Carl G. Rasmussen. 

October 9, 2012

Questions from Psalm Week One

We started a new teaching series this past Sunday on the book of Psalms. Here are two questions I've received so far: 

Question #1: I have a question about Psalms 1.  If we are supposed to distance ourselves from sinners then how do we ultimately bring them to Christ?  Does our refusal to associate with them have a positive impact and start the conversation? I would like to hear your thoughts/advice.

Question #2: I really enjoyed the sermon Sunday on psalms. I found the way you talked about it very relatable, and in a way that I could easily understand. I had a question about Psalm 1:1, "Oh the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers." How can I make "The godly don't stand around with sinners" pertain to my life? I'm a student, and to be honest most of my friends I hang out with or know are not Christian. Don't get me wrong, I do have a connection to the small Christian group here at school, but does this mean I should only hang out with them? School is hard enough as it is with schoolwork and temptation, but I think it would be harder if I didn't have my friends. Thanks for your time!

Answer: As Christians we are to use our lives to point people to Jesus. Obviously, we can't do that if we aren't around those who are not saved. But when those that are not saved are having a more negative influence on us than we are having on them, even though it's scary, it's best to put some distance between or even end the relationship.

Let's consider the options we have...

Option#1: You have fewer friends. And I know that sounds terrible, but consider the other option. 

Option #2: You have lots of friends that pull you down, cause you to turn away from your Christian faith, which winds you up in hell.

Something else to consider is the definition of a true friend. Proverbs 27:17 says that as iron sharpens iron one person sharpens another. A true friend builds you up and doesn't tear you down. If you have people in your life that are tearing you down, they are not true friends, at least not according to God's word.

Maybe the friends you currently have are not negatively influencing you. If that's the case, keep using your influence to point them to Christ as God provides the opportunity.

I will pray that God helps you to see clearly which kind of friends you have. Have a great day and thanks again for writing.

September 27, 2012

Events Timeline with References

During the course of our Back to the Future teaching series, I tried to find a biblical events timeline I could share with our church, but couldn't find quite what I was looking for. So...I made my own.

Click here to see a version you can actually read! :) 

September 20, 2012

Questions from Back to the Future Week Three

Here's the third round of questions from our Back to the Future teaching series. I'll add new questions and answers to this post as they come in. 

Question #1: Hope you don't mind a minority viewpoint. Charles Schmitt is a Bible teacher who I have followed for the past 30 plus years. He recently wrote the attached article on the End Times. I have understood many of his key points for these many years such as the pretrib rapture theory starting with fifteen year old Scottish girl Mary MacDonald giving a prophesy. This theory then embraced by Darby, hence the term for this theory being called Darbyism. The theory then became widespread due to Scofield's Bible notes in his reference Bible. Some scholars say that there is no evidence of belief for a pretrib rapture before the 1800's.

After reading the attached article in the email I replied: 

Answer: Thanks for taking the time to write. It's great that you are studying these things further than just Sunday morning. 

I read the article and here are my thoughts: 

1. The author seems to view the Rapture of the Church and the Second Coming of Christ as one event, while the Bible describes them as two separate events. In the Rapture Jesus comes FOR his church (to take them to heaven) and at the Second Coming Jesus comes WITH his church (to reign on the earth for 1,000 years). 

2. The author says "historically, it [the idea of the Rapture] found its way into the evangelical mainstream only in the mid 1800's. This is 100% incorrect. Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica because they were concerned that their loved ones and friends who had died would miss out on Christ's Second Coming to reign on the earth for 1,000 years. Paul corrects their mistaken view (basically telling them they have nothing to worry about) by informing them that the Rapture will take place first. In other words, he told them that neither the dead in Christ, nor the living in Christ, would miss out on the thousand year reign inaugurated by Christ's Second Coming. Therefore, it is incorrect to think the church didn't start believing the Rapture would take place prior to the Second Coming until the 1800's. The Pre-Trib Rapture theory didn't start with a 15 year old Scottish girl named Mary MacDonalad giving a prophesy. It started with the Holy Spirit inspired teachings of the apostle Paul. 

3. The author establishes his case primarily by quoting Didache, Hermas, Irenaeus, and Augustine, but not the authors of Scripture. We have to build our beliefs on Scripture, not extra-biblical accounts. 

4. The author seems to view "the first resurrection" to take place after the seven year Great Tribulation. This resurrection is A PART of the first resurrection, but it certainly isn't the very first resurrection. I'm teaching on this on Sunday, so here's a section of my sermon that teaches on "the first resurrection". 
  •  Now when the Bible talks about “the first resurrection” that includes multiple resurrections over a long period of time. 
  • Jesus was the first to be resurrected (1 Corinthians 15:23 - Christ, the first fruits) 
  • Those who resurrected from their graves when Jesus did, were second to be resurrected (Matthew 27:51-52 says that when Jesus the curtain in the temple was torn in two, and the earth shook and the rocks split, and the tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into Jerusalem and appeared to many people.)
  • When Christ returns in the Rapture, the dead in Christ will rise first, then those who are alive - these people are third to be resurrected (I Thessalonians 4:15-17) 
  • Then after the Great Tribulation is over, a fourth group is resurrected - those who were beheaded during the Great Tribulation because of their faithfulness to Christ (Revelation 20:4) 
  • All these people who have been part of what the Bible calls the first resurrection will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years, Rev 20:6 
5. The author seems to fail to see the difference between tribulations as trouble all Christians will experience on this side of eternity and tribulation as the wrath of God poured out on sinful man. Jesus said in this life we'll have troubles. Paul said in this world we'll have light and momentary troubles. But the troubles of this world are different from the tribulations to take place during The Great Tribulation. During the Great Tribulation God will pour out his wrath on sinful man, not on his church (1 Thessalonians 5:9, Romans 5:9). 

Since you seem interested in Biblical Prophecy, let me recommend to you some really good people, who have a solid understanding of the Scriptures as it relates to prophecy. 

1. Chuck Smith. You can listen to him teach on the book of Revelation verse by verse and chapter by chapter here He has also written some great books I think you would find helpful in understanding biblical prophecy: The Final Act and What the World is Coming To 

2. David Jeremiah. He has also written some great books including: What in the World is Going On?The Prophecy Answer BookThe Coming Economic Armageddon and Escape the Coming Night. He doesn't have any free resources that I know of, but you can also get some great tools at 

Keep up the great work in studying these very important topics! I commend you for studying these issues deeper than just Sunday! 

September 19, 2012

Questions from Back to the Future Week Two

Here's some of the questions I received via email from week two of our new teaching series Back to the Future

Question #1: In chapter 20 it says that those that were beheaded will be raised up in the first resurrection to live on earth during the 1000 year reign with Jesus but that the rest of the dead (verse 5) did not resurrect until after the 1000 years.  Who are the "rest of the dead"?  I know that you are going over this on Sunday but I am too curious. =)

Answer: After the seven year Great Tribulation Jesus will return to earth with his Raptured believers and with his angels (Jude 1:14, Colossian 3:4) to overthrow the unholy trinity (Satan, anti-Christ and the False Prophet) in the Battle of Armageddon, and to set up his thousand year reign on the earth, known as the "Millennial Reign" of Christ. 

During the Great Tribulation there will be people that remain faithful to Jesus, despite the severe persecution they will endure for doing so. These people will not worship the anti-Christ or his image and won't receive his mark on their foreheads or their hands. As a result they will be beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the Word of God they will refuse to quit preaching. For those beheaded for their faithfulness to Jesus, God grants an early resurrection so they can reign with him during the Millennium. The rest of the dead refers to the other believers who will die during the Great Tribulation but won't be beheaded. 

Question #2: Revelation 20:13-14 seems to differentiate between death and Hades? It says that some will be brought up out of death and Hades and thrown into the Lake of Fire.  Could you explain that? I was a bit confused.  (and soooo grateful I am going to HEAVEN!!!!) I am loving this sermon series btw, my favorite one you have ever done. This is the book of the Bible that has always confused me the most and I am so glad you are bold enought to talk about it.

Answer: First of all, thanks for your kind words! Now to answer your question...The statement “death and hades gave up the dead” means that the physical bodies of people that died as non-Christians will be joined with their spirits which have been in Hades. The mention of “the sea” giving up its dead makes it clear that even if someone wasn't properly buried, they will still be resurrected for this judgment.

When someone dies as a non-Christian their body goes in the ground but their spirit goes to Hades. This is a temporary holding place until the Great White Throne Judgment of Revelation 20:11-15. After being judged, the people that were up to this point held in Hades, will be thrown into an eternal lake of fire (Revelation 20:14). You can read more about Hades in Luke 16:19-31. Although it's not the lake of fire, Luke 16:28 still describes it as a place of torment. 

On the other hand, when someone dies a Christian their body goes in the ground, but their spirit goes to be with Jesus. Second Corinthians 5:8 teaches that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Before Jesus died on the cross, this wasn't the case. Before Jesus died on the cross, when people died believers, they went to a place called Abraham's bosom (see Luke 16:19-31). Even though Abraham's bosom wasn't heaven, Jesus called it Paradise in Luke 23:43. Once Jesus died on the cross though, he decended to Abraham's bosom and led the captives out and into heaven (Ephesians 4:8-10). The reason people had to wait in Abraham's bosom until Jesus came to get them is found in Hebrews 10:4, which says " is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins." But now that Jesus has died there is no need for us to go to Abraham's bosom. Instead, we go directly to be with the Lord forever. 

Question #3: My children have a couple of questions: In regards to the rapture will those being raptured be visible to those left behind? Will those left behind see our bodies rising toward heaven?  Or will we simply vanish leaving our material possessions behind?

Answer: First Corinthians 15:51-52 teaches that the Rapture will take place in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye. Therefore, no - those raptured will not be visible to those left behind. The unsaved who remain on the earth will not see our bodies rising toward heaven. We will simply vanish leaving our material possessions behind (Job 1:21). 

Question #4: In regards to the Anti Christ does this last Sunday's message mean that Christ's church will never encounter the anti Christ?

Answer: The Bible clearly teaches that the Rapture of the church will precede the rise of the anti-Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:11). With that said, it is possible the anti-Christ is alive today, although He will not rise to power until the restraining force of the work of the Holy Spirit in and through the church is removed. 

Question #5: What do you think the mark of the beast is? 

Answer: The mark of the beast (anti-Christ) spoken of in Revelation 13 is the mark the false prophet will try and force people to receive on their forehead or right hand during the Great Tribulation. Without this mark no one will be able to buy or sell during the Great Tribulation (Revelation 13:16-17). I do not know what the mark of the beast (anti-Christ) is, but I do think it's fun to speculate, so here goes...

Since no one can buy or sell without the mark of the beast, it appears as though it will be some type of Satan-inspired debit or credit card. You go in the store, they scan your forehead or right hand, and money is debited from your account so you can buy groceries or what have you. I was in Williamsburg VA not too long ago and I saw a device in the check out line whereby someone could scan their thumb print and be charged for their groceries. Their thumb print was somehow connected to their banking account, and when they scanned their thumb print at the check out line, their account was debited. All this to say, you can see how modern technology is paving the way for this "mark of the beast (anti-Christ)". 

I also think it's very interesting to learn about Radio Frequency Identification devices, know as RFID chips, which are implanted in the human body for a variety of reasons. Here's a picture of one next to a grain of rice. 

These chips are currently put in pets and even Alzheimer patients so if they get lost you can locate them. These chips have been implanted in people and encoded with medical information in case of an emergency. If the patient arrives at the hospital without identification, participating hospitals can scan the person with an RFID scanner and pull up a medical profile of the patient. Some of these chips have been implanted into VIP guests granting them access once their identity has been confirmed at exclusive clubs. Some of these chips have been implanted in workers granting them access to power plants or secure video surveillance rooms. One hobbyist has even programmed his implanted chip to open his home, his car door and to log on to his computer. Guess where one of his two chips is implanted? On his right hand. (his name is Amal Graafstra and he’s the author of the book FRID Toys if you want to look this up for yourself) 

Again - let me be clear. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS. I just think it's fun to speculate since modern technology is making possible the fulfillment of acient prophecy. 

Question #6: Have you ever read the "Left Behind" series by Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins?  If so what do you think of them as far as Biblical accuracy?

Answer: I've never read these books so I couldn't tell you. I have watched a couple of the movies based off the book and didn't notice anything that stood out as unbiblical. I know that great Bible scholars such as Dr. David Jeremiah often quotes Tim LaHaye in his own books on prophecy, which to me gives him great credibility as someone "who correctly handles the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). 

September 13, 2012

Questions from Back to the Future Week One

Here's some of the questions I received via email during week one of our new teaching series Back to the Future

Question #1: I am very confused about the tribes of Israel and why from each tribe 12,000 are chosen to bear the mark of God? Also, what happen to the tribe of Dan and why not 12,000 chosen from this tribe other then the obvious that it would not add to 144,000?

Answer: Revelation 6-19 describes God's judgments poured out on the earth during the seven year Great Tribulation period. The 144,000 are the number of the children of Israel that will be sealed (and therefore spared) from these judgments. We aren't sure why the tribe of Levi takes the place of the tribe of Dan in the listing of the tribes in Revelation 7, but some scholars believe its because Dan was the first tribe to give themselves over to pagan idolatry, which eventually led to exile. Hope this helps! Great question! 

Question #2: I have a question about believers who die before the rapture.  What did it mean that they are asleep in Christ and they will go first. What will be going on if we die before the rapture, will we not be with Jesus right away?  Also unbelievers, do they not get judged right away or go to hell?  Is this where catholics get the idea of purgatory?  

If we get raptures why do some believers stockpile supplies like they will live through the tribulation?  We know a few of those. Ok well thanks.  Hope I explained my question well enough

Answer: Great questions. Let me try to answer them. 

1. To fall asleep in the Lord simply means you died a believer. 1 Thessalonians 4:14

2. The Bible teaches to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8). Therefore, as soon as a Christian dies, his/her spirit goes to be with Jesus. At the Rapture their spirit will return with Jesus and receive a new body. After they receive their body, those of us who are left on the earth that are Christians will be translated (we will also receive a new body) and join the Lord and other believers in the air. 

3. People that die apart from Christ (they aren't saved) go to Hades (you can read about this place in Luke 16:19-31). They are judged after the Millennial Reign of Christ (refer to attached Biblical Events Timeline). 

4. I think Catholics got the idea of purgatory because BEFORE JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS believers (after they died) went to Abraham's bosom (see Luke 16:19-31). This was the place of waiting for the righteous dead (those who died as believers). However, once Christ died on the cross he descended to Abraham's bosom and led out those who had placed their faith in him and were waiting for their redemption (Ephesians 4:9). For those born after Jesus died on the cross - if they/we die believers before Jesus returns - our spirit goes immediately to heaven (2 Corinthians 5:8). 

5. Some Christians believe (despite the clear teaching of Scripture) that believers will go through the Great Tribulation. They may be stockpiling supplies because they don't believe the Rapture will take place prior to the Great Tribulation. 

Hope this helps! And thanks for writing :) 

Question #3: I have always believed that Christians would be raptured before the Tribulation.  I have always wondered what would happen to children, babies, those with mental retardation, etc.  I was brought up to understand that those who die in this age group and mental capacity would go to heaven so I was curious if they would be raptured or if there were answers to that somewhere?

Answer: Great question. 

In 2 Samuel 12:23 David says of his baby son who has just died "I will return to him, but he will not return to me." In other words - someday when David goes to heaven he fully expects to see his son. But his son won't be returning to him (coming back to life). From this verse we know that babies who die before they reach the age of accountability go straight to heaven. At what age does God begin holding us responsible? I don't know the answer to that question (the Bible doesn't say). 

Concerning those who have mental handicaps, etc. we can rest assured that the Judge of all the earth (God) will do what is right (Genesis 18:25). 

Hope this helps! :) Have a great night! 

Question #4: I would like to first thank you for this weeks sermon it was packed full of information and opened my eyes to a lot of things that I was confused on.Secondly I have a question on YouTube there are videos going around about the trumpets in the sky. Can
you help give me some information on these trumpets? There are many
videos and I was just wondering is this a sign of the apocalpyse?

Answer: Thanks for your kind words about the sermon! 

Concerning your question - I read something by Dr. David Jeremiah in his book What in the World is Going On? that I think will help answer your question: 

The Bible teaches that when Christ returns for his church at the Rapture...

"...the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God" (1 Thessalonians 4:16a) 

Some claim the shout is for the church, the archangel's voice is for the Jews, and the trumpet is for all Gentile believers. But these claims are mistaken. Paul was not describing three separate sounds; he was describing only one sound in three different ways. 

This sound will be like a shout, ringing with command authority like the voice of an archangel. 

It will also be like the blare of a trumpet in its volume and clarity. 

And the sound will be exclusively directed - heard only by those who have placed their trust in Christ. 

When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, he shouted "Lazarus, come forth!" (John 11:43). At the Rapture that is exactly what will happen. His shout of "Come forth!" will not name a single individual, but it will be heard by every believer in every grave around the world. All those tombs will empty, and the resurrected believers will fly skyward. 

So to answer your question - no, I don't believe any trumpet sounds described in the YouTube videos are signs of the apocalypse. 

Hope this helps! And again - great question :) Hope to see you Sunday. 


If you have a question about my Rapture sermon or about the book of Revelation as you're reading through it, please email me at  and I'll do my best to answer. 

September 9, 2012

When Will the Rapture Take Place?

The short answer to the question "When will the Rapture take place?" is: Before the Great Tribulation. 

How do we know the Rapture of the Church takes place prior to the start of the Great Tribulation - that period in history Revelation 6-19 speaks of where God pours out his wrath against sinful man? Let me give you three reasons: 

1. The church is in heaven singing God’s praises before the Great Tribulation begins. 

The Great Tribulation begins with the breaking of the first seal in Revelation 6, yet in Revelation chapter 5 we see the church singing God's praises before the first seal is broken. 

Look at Revelation 5 with me, starting in v.9

Revelation 5:9-10, And they (this is a group of people - not angelic beings) sang a new song, saying: "You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals; for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth." NKJV 

Look at that song. Look at the lyrics of that song (you have redeemed us to God by Your blood). Who can sing this to Jesus? Only the church can sing that song. 
  • The nation of Israel can’t sing that song - they’re not redeemed from all the nations. 
  • The angels can’t sing that song - they aren’t redeemed (Jesus redeemed humans, not angels). 
  • This song is sung by the church, in heaven, before the first seal, which initiates the Great Tribulation period upon the earth, is even opened (that happens in Revelation chapter 6)
  • The Bible teaches the church will not go through the Tribulation. 
The second reason we know the church won’t go through the Great Tribulation is...

2. The events of Revelation chapter five take place after the church age is over. 

The church has completed its ministry on the earth by Revelation chapter three. When Revelation 4:1 begins with "After these things..." that means that everything from Revelation 4:1 onward are future events. They haven't happened as of 9/9/12. 

Jesus told the apostle John in Revelation 1:19, Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. NIV This verse is the key to properly understanding the book of Revelation. It’s the table of contents of the book. Jesus tells John to write down...

“what you have seen” which refers to the vision John had of Jesus in Revelation 1 

“what is now” which refers to the church age in Revelation 2-3 

“what will take place later” which refers to events that will transpire after the church has finished its mission on the earth and has been removed. 

Again - Revelation chapter four begins with the phrase “after these things” to which we need to ask “After what things?” After the things of the church are completed. Beginning with Revelation 4:1 we are dealing with things that are future - things which have not yet taken place but will take place after the church’s work is finished on the earth. 

The third reason we believe the church will be spared from the Great Tribulation is...

3. The Bible clearly teaches that God’s children will be spared from the Great Tribulation. 

In Revelation 3:10 Jesus says to us who live in the church age, “Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. NIV The trial that is going to come on the whole world is a reference to the Great Tribulation, and Jesus here says “I will...keep you from the hour of trial” that’s coming. 

All this to say - we who believe in Jesus will be raptured (or snatched away) prior to God pouring out his wrath against sinful man on the earth in the seven year period known as the Great Tribulation. Followers of Christ who are raptured will be spared the trauma of death and the coming disasters that will occur when the Tribulation breaks out on the earth. As the Scriptures state...

I Thessalonians 5:9, For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. NIV 

Romans 5:9, Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! 
  • In Exodus 10 God’s wrath was poured out on the Egyptians, but not the Israelites 
  • In Genesis 6-7 God’s wrath was poured out on sinful man (those who rejected God), not Noah and his family 
  • In Genesis 18-19 Lot was taken away before God’s wrath was poured out on Sodom and Gomorrah

In the same way - during the Great Tribulation God will pour out his wrath on the world (who is in rebellion against him), not on the church (we’ll have been taken up to heaven by then). Yes, as Christians we will have “light and momentary troubles” (2 Corinthians 4:17) but we don’t experience God’s wrath against sin. Jesus already experienced that for us - thank you Jesus! 

Christians are told repeatedly in the New Testament to be watchful for the Lord’s appearing (for the rapture). Never are they taught to watch for the Great Tribulation or the appearance of Antichrist. Believers are told to wait “for his Son from heaven,” not the Great Tribulation (1 Thessalonians 1:10). When the signs of the end of the age are evident, we are to look up and lift up our heads in expectation of our redemption, not the Great Tribulation (Luke 21:28). Why? Because we won’t be here! (thank God!) 

Is the Word "Rapture" in the Bible?

Some object to the idea of the Rapture because they argue “the word Rapture is not even in the Bible” but that’s not necessarily true. It just depends on what translation you are reading. 

The New Testament was written in Greek and the word Rapture comes from the Greek word harpazo found in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. The word harpazo in Latin is translated “Rapture”. The word harpazo in English is translated “caught up”. But both words mean the same thing. The bottom line is: whatever you call the event, it’s biblical! 

If that's not clear, maybe this keynote slide will help. 

May 31, 2012

The Value of a Good Employee

I read today in Dale Dauten's Great Employees Only: How Gifted Bosses Hire and De-Hire Their Way to Success that in regards to hiring employees "One great person equals three good people." This is one of the founding principles of Kip Tindell's The Container Store chain. Following Tindell's logic, you can pay a great employee double and still come out ahead.

This is a reminder to me of the importance of making good hires. 

May 30, 2012

The Benefits of Boundaries

Through the Bible God shows us how to best enjoy everything he created.

Created thing: sex
Boundaries: to be shared between one man and one woman for life, no sex before marriage and no sex outside of marriage
Penalties for stepping outside the boundaries: emotional scars, unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.
Benefit of staying within the boundaries: all the pleasure with none of the pain

Created thing: alcohol
Boundaries: drink in moderation, don't get drunk
Penalties for stepping outside the boundaries: getting arrested, doing something you'll regret for the rest of your life, doing something you might have to pay for for the rest of your life (like a prison sentence), a D.U.I., loss of license, etc.
Benefit of staying within the boundaries: all the pleasure with none of the pain

Created thing: food
Boundaries: eat in moderation, don't be a glutton
Penalties for stepping outside the boundaries: obesity, heart disease, sluggishness, loss of self-confidence, heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc.
Benefit of staying within the boundaries: all the pleasure with none of the pain

I could go on with many more examples, but I think you get the point. So instead of viewing God's commands as restricting your fun, start believing the TRUTH - that God in fact is showing you how to maximize the pleasure and minimize the pain. God created us and He alone knows how we work best.

A fire within the proper boundaries (within a stove or fire pit) can provide warmth, cook a meal, roast a marshmallow or provide a variety of other useful and desirable benefits. But a fire outside the proper boundaries can produce untold destruction and devastation. Everything God has created has the same potential - it can bring joy and pleasure or pain and destruction. A Christian, by faith, accepts that since God created us, he knows best how we ought to live our lives. This leads to submission to God's boundaries in every area of our lives.

If you've been fighting God's boundaries in a certain area of your life (as I often do), why not pray today that God will help you embrace them, respect them, observe and obey them, and even praise God for them? 

May 17, 2012

What Does the Bible Say About Same Sex Marriage?

President Barack Obama made history with his recent declaration, "It is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married." His statement marks the first time a U.S. president has publicly endorsed gay marriage.

Our President may have endorsed same sex marriage, but does God? In this post I want to answer the question: What does the Bible say about same sex marriage?

1. God's plan for marriage is revealed in the Creation Account of Genesis 2

Genesis 2:18-24, The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” The Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

These verses set very clear parameters for marriage: How many people? Two. Which genders? Both - but only one of each. This is the biblical norm and the biblical standard. If there are exceptions that are allowed or encouraged, we ought to find them clearly delineated - but we don’t. Since that’s the case, this foundational passage should remain the controlling Scripture for understanding God’s design for marriage: Marriage was and is intended by God to be shared between one man and one woman for life.

2. God’s plan for marriage is revealed in the gender specific references to marriage throughout the Bible

Ephesians 5:22-25 says, "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..."

Wives = female gender in the Greek
Husbands = male gender in the Greek

Note: Every single reference to marriage in Scripture is gender specific (between a male and a female).

3. God's plan for marriage is revealed in the numerous references to homosexuality in the Bible

In Leviticus, Romans, 1 Corinthians, and 1 Timothy, homosexuality is mentioned in the context of sexual and immoral behavior. The context is quite clear - a variety of behaviors are prohibited. Homosexuality (along with adultery, fornication, and idolatry) is one of them.

Old Testament

Leviticus 18:22, Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.

Leviticus 20:13, If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

New Testament

Romans 1:25-27, They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Timothy 1:9-11, We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.

The Bible, in both the Old and New Testament forbids the practice of homosexuality. Therefore, same sex marriage could never and will never be a part of God's plan for our lives.

Note: Some people have pointed out that there are certain teachings from the Old Testament that we no longer follow today and wonder whether or not the forbiddance of homosexuality falls into the category of things that are no longer applicable for us who live today. I can totally understand why people ask this question, but let me explain. Certain commands in the Old Testament are repealed in the New Testament, while others are repeated. We who live today are not responsible to practice those Old Testament commands that have been repealed in the New Testament, but that which was commanded or forbidden in the Old Testament and then again commanded or forbidden in the New Testament, must still be observed. As I've shown you above, the New Testament repeats the forbiddance of homosexuality in the Old Testament. Since the teaching of homosexuality as a sin is repeated and not repealed, it is just as unacceptable in God's sight today as it was back in Old Testament times.

Note: Some people, President Obama included, believe the Golden Rule, which states that we should treat others the way we ourselves would want to be treated (Matthew 7:12), requires them to support a lifestyle the Bible clearly calls sinful. They are mistaken. That's as foolish an application of Matthew 7:12 as was Satan's application of Psalm 91:11-12 (see Matthew 4:6). A homosexual person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. He or she may be acting out a lifestyle which Christians understand to be unbiblical; but so are any of us who practice slander, gossip, heterosexual lust, pride or gluttony. So-called "gay bashing" is always wrong. Any action or attitude which demeans a person or makes them less valuable is the opposite of the grace and unconditional love of Christ. With that said, while the Golden Rule does encourage us to treat everyone with the unconditional love of Christ, it does not encourage us to support a lifestyle the Bible calls sinful. 


The Bible teaches that God's instructions, his commands and prohibitions, were given to us for our good, for our prosperity and our preservation (Deuteronomy 10:12-13, 6:24). By faith Christians trust God that since he made us, he knows how we work best. God's best plan for our lives is spelled out clearly in the Bible, and as it relates to marriage God says that what is best is for one man to be married to one woman for life. For those tempted to practice the homosexual lifestyle or for those in the homosexual lifestyle I think God would say: I love you. I created you. I know the best way you could possibly live your life. Don't settle for anything less than my best. For anyone desiring to come out of the homosexual lifestyle, there is hope. After including homosexuality in a list of sins (1 Corinthians 6:9), Paul told the Corinthians "And that is what some of you were. but you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God (1 Corinthians 6:11). The same Jesus that gave new life to people practicing homosexuality back then, is the same Jesus who will give new life to people practicing homosexuality today, if they will turn from their sin and turn to Him.