November 14, 2012

The Evidence of our Faith

A few weeks ago Andrew and I attended Minister's Retreat in Cape Cod, and one of guest speakers, Mark Batterson (founder and lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington DC), shared the story of how he was trusting God to provide a drummer when his church first started, some sixteen years ago now. After praying about God providing a drummer, Mark sensed God pointing out to him that the church didn't even own a drum set. Mark reasoned "God, I'll buy a drum set as soon as You provide a drummer." But Mark felt God challenging him, "Mark, you buy a drum set and I'll provide a drummer." Long story short, Mark stepped out in faith and bought a drum set without any ideas regarding who might play them. The first Sunday they had the set, a drummer showed up and inquired about playing the drums. Turns out, he was in a military band and had played for the President of the United States. Mark joked that any drummer that has played for the President automatically qualifies to play for his church!

Shortly after the retreat where Mark spoke, I was told that of all the people that signed up during our recent ministry fair, no one signed up to serve in our audio/visual/lighting department. After hearing Mark's story, my first thought was "Of course no one signed up. We don't even have a chair for them to sit in!" So during staff meeting last week I told my team that if we were believing God to provide people to join our audio/visual/lighting department, we needed to show our faith by purchasing a chair, much like Mark showed his faith by purchasing drums. So Andrew bought an extra stool to put behind the computer table (for the new person we were believing God for). The chair was assembled and put out during set up, even though we had no one to sit in it yet.

No joke - This past Sunday someone walked up to me and said "I have a degree in sound and lighting and would like to start volunteering." I was absolutely blown away! And just today during a meeting I had someone else share with me that her husband is very good with computers and was looking for somewhere in the church to get involved!

What's my point in sharing all this? God responds to faith! Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is being sure of what we hope and certain of what we do not see." If we are believing God for something, there needs to be evidence of our faith. When my wife was believing God to provide a way to go to Valley Forge Christian College, even though this appeared to be a financial impossibility, she went out and bought towels (a small token of her faith that God would provide a way). God did provide a way, and within weeks she was enrolled and living on campus!

Is there anything in your life you are currently trusting God for? Is God witnessing any evidence of your faith? And if not, what does faith look like in your situation? How can you step out and show your faith in God? I believe with all my heart that if you're believing for something that honors God, and you'll step out in faith, you'll see the miraculous provision of God in your life!

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