October 9, 2012

Questions from Psalm Week One

We started a new teaching series this past Sunday on the book of Psalms. Here are two questions I've received so far: 

Question #1: I have a question about Psalms 1.  If we are supposed to distance ourselves from sinners then how do we ultimately bring them to Christ?  Does our refusal to associate with them have a positive impact and start the conversation? I would like to hear your thoughts/advice.

Question #2: I really enjoyed the sermon Sunday on psalms. I found the way you talked about it very relatable, and in a way that I could easily understand. I had a question about Psalm 1:1, "Oh the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers." How can I make "The godly don't stand around with sinners" pertain to my life? I'm a student, and to be honest most of my friends I hang out with or know are not Christian. Don't get me wrong, I do have a connection to the small Christian group here at school, but does this mean I should only hang out with them? School is hard enough as it is with schoolwork and temptation, but I think it would be harder if I didn't have my friends. Thanks for your time!

Answer: As Christians we are to use our lives to point people to Jesus. Obviously, we can't do that if we aren't around those who are not saved. But when those that are not saved are having a more negative influence on us than we are having on them, even though it's scary, it's best to put some distance between or even end the relationship.

Let's consider the options we have...

Option#1: You have fewer friends. And I know that sounds terrible, but consider the other option. 

Option #2: You have lots of friends that pull you down, cause you to turn away from your Christian faith, which winds you up in hell.

Something else to consider is the definition of a true friend. Proverbs 27:17 says that as iron sharpens iron one person sharpens another. A true friend builds you up and doesn't tear you down. If you have people in your life that are tearing you down, they are not true friends, at least not according to God's word.

Maybe the friends you currently have are not negatively influencing you. If that's the case, keep using your influence to point them to Christ as God provides the opportunity.

I will pray that God helps you to see clearly which kind of friends you have. Have a great day and thanks again for writing.

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