July 14, 2013

Made for a Mission

When followers of Jesus find themselves bored with their Christian life , it's a tell tale sign they've lost their sense of mission. Let me illustrate...

In Despicable Me 2, Gru and Dr. Nefario have given up their villainous ways. They are bored to tears without a clear sense of mission (or purpose). As villains their modus operandi was clear: lie, pillage, steal. That's what criminals do. But they are both quite unclear what former villains are supposed to do. Dr. Nefario gets so bored he quits working for Gru and joins back up with the bad guys. He basically concludes he's rather have fun with the bad guys than be bored with the good guys. 

This is what's happened to many Christ-followers. Without a clear sense of purpose, they've faltered in their faith. Like Dr. Nefario, they've basically concluded they'd rather have fun with Satan than be bored with God. I guess we could conclude that a dull Christian life often results in dumping the Christian life. 

Well what's the remedy for our restlessness? What's the antidote for our apathy? What's God's cure for our boredom? The answer lies in rediscovering our sense of purpose - remembering that we're made for a mission! God is at work in the world and he wants us to join him. God is out to save the world and he has a role for us to play in his redemptive plan. If you're bored, chances are you're not playing your part. 

Here's four ways you can begin immediately partnering with God: 
1. Commune with God. As you spend time reading your Bible and praying you'll find a supernatural source of power for the mission. 
2. Get in community with other believers. As you engage in Christian community you'll find support and encouragement to persevere with the mission. 
3. Contribute your time and treasure. As you contribute your time by serving you staff God's mission and as you contribute your treasure by giving you fund God's mission. 
4. Take serious God's commission - the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). As you use your life as a sign post to point others to God, you continue the mission. Jesus started it and every time you share your faith or invite someone to church, you continue it. 

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