August 20, 2009

Church Systems

Today I start round two of my senior pastor coaching network with Nelson Searcy. I just finished round one which was one year and now I'm starting round two which will last another year. Here's a little picture that will help explain why I'm doing the coaching network again. Sorry the font is so small!

Repitition is a must if you want to master a subject.

Anyways, in this coaching network we spend one year learning and then implementing the eight systems of the church. The church, like our body is made up of systems. In our body we have the circulatory system, the reproductive system, the cardiovascular system, etc.). When all the systems in our body are working properly it's called health. When one (or several) of the systems isn't working it's called disease. In the same way the church is made up of systems. When the systems are working properly our church is healthy. When the systems aren't working properly disease sets in.

A system is any ongoing process that Saves You Stress, Time, Energy, and Money, and contributes to produce results. And the results you are getting (or not getting) at your church are the result of your systems. The systems are only giving you the results you've set them up to give! That's why it's so important we set up our systems properly. Note: Systems are no substitue for God. You must create and implement your systems in conjunction with the leading of the Holy Spirit.

With that said there are eight major systems in the church. Here's a very brief overview:
  1. The Weekend Service System: how we plan, implement and evaluate the weekend services at our church
  2. The Evangelism System: how we attract people to our church
  3. The Assimilation System: how we move people from first time guests to members
  4. The Small Groups System: how we fill and reproduce small groups at our church
  5. The Volunteer System: how we mobilize people for ministry at our church
  6. The Stewardship System: how we develop generous givers at our church
  7. The Leadership System: how we develop leaders at all levels of our church
  8. The Strategic System: how we constantly evaluate and improve our church
The key to effective systems is to have both good systems AND good people to run the systems. I think this chart here explains it well.

Since I'm always talking about or referencing my senior pastor coaching network, I thought I'd write a little summary and share with you what I'm talking about! :)

1 comment:

  1. Mike...I like this a lot! Thank you for sharing! Blessings!
