May 5, 2013

Overcoming Insecurity

From the life of Moses we learn that: When God calls us into his service, our insecurities rise to the surface. His insecurities almost prevented him from stepping into his God-given destiny (to deliver the nation of Israel from their slavery in Egypt). Here's a sampling of insecurities that rose to the surface when God called Moses into his service...

Insecurity #1: I'm afraid (Exodus 3:4-6).

Insecurity #2: I can't do that (Exodus 3:7-10).

Insecurity #3: I'm nobody (Exodus 3:11).

Insecurity #4: I don't have all the answers (Exodus 3:13)

Insecurity #5: I lack the ability (Exodus 3:18, Exodus 4:1)

I can sympathize with Moses! When God called me to start New Day my insecurities rose to the surface. When God called Kristin to home educate our children, her insecurities did the same. You see: When God calls us into his service, our insecurities rise to the surface. And if we're not careful our insecurities can prevent us from stepping into God's plans for our lives.

So how did Moses overcome his insecurities? God told Moses in Exodus 3:12, “...I will be with you...” and in Exodus 4:12, “...I will help you...” Once Moses took to heart these two truths, he was willing to step into his God-given destiny. And how Moses overcame his insecurities is exactly how you and I overcome ours. When we realize that God is with us and that God will help us, we'll find the courage to say "yes" to God's plans for our lives.

We don't have to let fear stop us. We don't have to be somebody to be used by God. God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. We don't have to have all the answers to begin. As we move in the direction God is leading, further revelation will be given as needed. We don't need to worry about lacking the abilities needed to get the job done. God equips the called; He doesn't call the equipped. All we need to overcome our insecurities and step into God's plans for our lives is to remember that God is with us and God will help us! 

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