May 19, 2013

7 Laws of Financial Fitness, Part 2

Today we kicked off a new teaching series at New Day called FINANCIAL FITNESS by studying Matthew 25:13-30, The Parable of the Talents. In this story we find a wealthy business owner entrusting his wealth to three of his servants. He then goes away for a long time. When he finally returns he calls his servants together and says "Ok. What'd you do with my money while I was gone?" Two of the servants give a good report while one gave a bad report. Jesus then draws some spiritual truths from the story for us to apply to our lives. It's from this story we learn the seven laws of financial fitness. In this post I'll share laws 4-7. To read laws 1-3 click here.

4. The law of Utilization says: I must wisely use God's money (vv.26-27). The master clearly gave his servants the money to use, not to do nothing with. The money was a means to an end. The end was getting a return. In the same way God gives us money as a tool to be used for a purpose. We're not to do nothing with it. The money God entrusts to us is a means to an end. God's desire is that people come to know his Son Jesus (2 Peter 3:9). As people give of their tithes and offerings to their local church, the work of God is funded. In these verses the master calls the servant who did nothing with what he had "wicked and lazy". Most of us, when we think of wicked people think of murderers, rapists, pedofiles, those who participate in sex trafficking or forced slavery, not those who mismanage their money. But God is using strong language to make a point. It's a serious thing to do nothing for God's kindgom with what God has blessed you with. God says it's wicked to mismanage  misuse or abuse that which he's entrusted to you care.

5. The law of Motivation says: I must move against my fears (v.25). Why did the servant who was given only one talent do nothing with what he was given? Verse 25 tells us because he was afraid. And that's the same reason some people today don't give today. They are afraid that if they give some of what they have to God's work they won't have enough left for themselves. But it's not just fear, it's actually a lack of faith. God has told us in Malachi 3:8-11 that 90% blessed is more than 100% cursed. Yet we're afraid God won't make good on that promise, so we don't give. But if we're to become good stewards we have to make an intentional decision to move against our fears. We have to trust God by stepping out in faith.

6. The law of Application says: If I don't use it I lose it (vv.28-29). The servant who did nothing with what he was given had the little he was given taken away. Who got it? The one who did a good job with what he was given. The Bible teaches that those who do well with what they are given will be given even more. But to those who do nothing with what they have, even the little they have will be taken away. If we don't use what God has give us for God's purposes...If we mistakenly think all we've been given is for our selfish consumption...then God has the right to take away anything that we don't use to invest for him. Why? Because of law one - it all belongs to God!

7. The law of Compensation says: God will reward me for good money management (vv.21,23). If I don't use it, I lose it. But if I do use it and use it for the right purpose, God will reward me by giving me even more. There are three rewards described in these verses. First is the reward of affirmation (well done good and faithful servant). Second is the reward of promotion (you have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things). Third is the reward of celebration (come and share your master’s happiness).

If you want the good rewards, the good roles and the good responsibilities in God's kingdom, it begins with learning and applying the seven laws of financial fitness.
  1. The law of Possession: Everything I have belongs to God 
  2. The law of Allocation: God has loaned me money 
  3. The law of Accountability: One day God will audit me 
  4. The law of Utilization: I must wisely use God’s money 
  5. The law of Motivation: I must move against my fears 
  6. The law of Application: If I don’t use it, I lose it
  7. The law of Compensation: God will reward me for good money management 

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