August 17, 2010

Why Do One Prayer?

New Day recently participated in something called One Prayer. It was absolutely fantastic for so many reasons. If your church has never participated in One Prayer, let me give you several reasons to join in next year:

1. Why not? The Bible says wise people are open to new ideas. In fact they look for them! (paraphrase of Proverbs 18:15)
2. A lot of churches say that one of their core values is to redeem technology. One Prayer is the perfect opportunity to do just that!
3. Participating in One Prayer is practicing good stewardship. Most churches could not afford to pay these amazing communicators as guest speakers. With plane tickets, hotel room, meal per diem and the honorarium it would cost thousands!! Through One Prayer, it's free!
4. It's a step toward answering Jesus' prayers for us in John 17 that his followers would unite and become one.
5. It frees up the lead pastor to work on advancing other important areas of the church (besides sermon development).
6. It gives the people of your church a chance to hear other gifted communicators and be blessed by their messages, while at the same time getting a break from you (this is a good thing from time to time no matter how much the people in the church like hearing their pastor preach).

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