August 26, 2010

Giving Creates Financial Margin

Giving money away is the number one way to create financial margin. Here’s how. Your lack of margin isn’t really a money issue. It’s a heart issue. Because your heart is materialistic, greedy and selfish - you spend and spend and spend to try and satisfy your insatiable appetite for stuff. And in doing so you use up any financial margin you had - and when this heart issue is really bad it results in negative financial margin (what you may know as debt). It’s a heart issue, not an issue of how much money you make. Now, here’s how giving money away actually helps you to create MORE margin. When you give money away it breaks the power of money in your life. That is, when you give money away God changes your heart. When you give...the GRIP that materialism, greed and selfishness has on you begins to loosen - a little bit at a time. And when you aren’t so materialistic you don’t spend as much on stuff you don’t need. When you aren’t greedy, you don’t have to buy every single thing you lay your eyes on. When you aren’t selfish you don’t need to consume all the money you have to indulge yourself. And in this way you CREATE MORE MARGIN by giving your money away.

Here is something you need to learn about God...Everything he asks us to do IS FOR OUR GOOD. He’s such a loving and caring God and when he tells us to do something it’s because we’ll be better off if we obey. We don’t honor God with our finances because we think we’ll be worse off instead of better off if we follow his ways. We don't obey God by giving to the local church because we mistakenly think that if we do there won't be enough left for me. That’s not true. You want to be in the best financial shape possible? Follow God’s instructions related to money.

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