June 16, 2013

There's Purpose in Your Storm

Today I preached on the following passage: 

Matthew 8:23-27, Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.The disciples were amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked. “Even the winds and waves obey him!” NLT 

One of the many things we can take from this passage is this: There is purpose in your storm. Matthew 8:18 reveals that it was Jesus himself who gave the orders to cross the lake. He led the disciples into this seemingly perilous storm intentionally and purposefully. So what was the purpose? It was two-fold...

1. To teach them 

Every storm teaches us something. Through this storm the disciples learned to trust. In the Old Testament, a fellow named Jonah experienced a storm of his own that taught him to obey. Also in the Old Testament was a man named Job who went through a non-aquatic storm. He lost his health and wealth (not to mention his kids). Through this storm he learned that we will not always have an answer to the question "Why?" on this side of eternity. I could keep going, but I think you get the point. Whether God brings about the storm himself or simply allows the storm to occur, there is purpose in the storm and every storm teaches us something. 

2. To test them 

The storms we experience not only teach us something, they also test our faith. I believe Jesus stayed asleep during the storm so he could test the disciples faith. This was an opportunity to respond fear-full or faith-filled. And unfortunately, the disciples failed this test miserably. They cried out to Jesus in fear, saying "We're going to drown!" Did you know that Jesus measures our spiritual maturity in part by how we respond when we're in a storm? When we respond in fear we show our lack of faith. When we respond in faith, we show God that we trust him, which pleases God very much (Hebrews 11:6). 

Have you ever felt like Jesus was asleep during your storm? It might seem that way, but nothing could be further from the truth. He is trying to teach you something and he is testing your faith. 

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